605 10581

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Learn about the different schools in the area

- School catchments and distances are approximate and intended to be used as reference only. If accurate information is required, please contact the School Board directly
- buyer to verify all information with School Board or Realtor if deemed necessary

Lena Shaw Elementary

Public | k to 7

1.19 km

Ellendale Elementary

Public | k to 7

1.47 km

James Ardiel Elementary

Public | k to 7

1.43 km

Hjorth Road Elementary

Public | k to 7

1.59 km

Ecole Riverdale Elementary

Public | k to 7

1.79 km

Old Yale Road Elementary

Public | k to 7

1.87 km

Mary Jane Shannon Elementary

Public | k to 7

0.92 km

Holly Elementary

Public | k to 7

2 km

K.b. Woodward Elementary

Public | k to 7

1.75 km

Forsyth Road Elementary

Public | k to 7

0.35 km

Kwantlen Park Secondary

Public | 8 to 12

1.71 km

Guildford Park Secondary

Public | 8 to 12

1.23 km